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Hire me

Whether it's a UX writer for your project, or you want 1-on-1 training, fill in the form below and I'll be in touch.

What I offer

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Portfolio critiques
and guidance

Check out my section on portfolio critiques to see how I can help you stand out from the crowd and get your next job.


Free 10 min consultation

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and mentoring

I provide training and guidance to individuals and teams, regardless of the size. Everything from building a content design system, to team management.

Free 10 min consultation

Cartoon image of two people working on a user interface

Full projects
and consulting

I'm available for contract work regardless of the project size. Everything from content strategy to heuristic evaluations.


Price dependent on project
Free consultation

Let's talk

Abstract image of someone on a laptop sending an email

I'll be in touch soon!

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